

Hi, my name is Max, I’m a data scientist and Solution Architect. After graduating in Neuropsychology and clinical neuroscience, I did a reconversion in computing. I’ve always been interested in memory processes and how we can model them to better understand their mechanisms. Through my new skills in programming, I focus on topics such as artificial intelligence, data management and storage. At a different level, I am also interested in solution architecture and knowledge management.
After working at Capgemini for over a year and a half I had the opportunity to join a startup specialized in Machine Learning and Data Science called Elter in which I am in charge of Data Management and Engineering in order to help projects going from prototype to production. I am also implementing continuous integration and knowledge management tools. If you wish to know more about my professional journey, this is here.

Passioned by sports, I’m practising a lot of them and more particularly running, biking and diving. I’m also involved in the Toulouse Data Science (TDS) a french meetup about data inviting speakers from different background to share their knowledge about data and related fields: Data management, AI, data visualization, Data regulation (law) …